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Wildman Stephanie


Essential reading for understanding how racial bias taints the delivery of health care in the United States.  Professor Randall's cogent analysis provides hope for correcting this injustice.

Stephanie M. Wildman
Professor of Law and Director,

Center for Social Justice and Public Service
Santa Clara University School of Law    





Dying While Black is a singular achievement.  Professor Randall produces  the "smoking gun" connection between white privilege, racism, slavery and Black health outcomes.  This book combines careful documentation of the past and a plethora of data with deft, compelling storytelling.  The result is a nuanced, forward looking narrative that not only provides evidence of what's wrong and why, but offers a concrete proposal for what we can to do now to make a difference. This book is mandatory reading if we are to ever get beyond blaming the victim and setting our sights on the systemic change we so desperately need.  

Makani Themba-Nixon

Executive Director
The Praxis Project/PATH Author Making Policy Making Change 




Dr. Randall has one of the most interesting minds in America;  she uses in-depth scholarly research to examine the historical slave deficit that plagues our world today. In a time of health care failure for parity, weak attempts on eliminating racial/ethnic deficits and doing much the same but expecting better results, Dying While Black offers a fresh new understanding and offers a insightful journey in time that has a profound effect. The question becomes “why” is there no outcry and “why” the lack of concern or alarm? How many black folks will die before the alarm is head?

Wanda J. Dillard, MS Director,
Community Development
The Ohio State University Medical Center