
Adalberto Aguirre, Jr., Mexican Border Crossers: The Mexican Body in Immigration Discourse, 35(4): Journal for Social Justice 99-106 (2009). Total Pages Read: 6

Adalberto Aguirre is a Professor in the Sociology Department at the University of California, Riverside. He is the author of various books and articles on such topics as stratification and inequality, formal organization, sociology of education, sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics. In Mr. Aquirre’s article he views the symbolic aspects of a wall on the Mexican-American border.   Stating that the border serves as a burying ground for Mexicans crossing into the United States Illegally.

Again, while not directly addressing the issue of whether a fence is efficient at preventing illegal immigration, Mr. Aguirre sheds light on the physical dangers of crossing into the United States, and the symbolic representation has a wall or fence has on foreign relations with Mexico. I enjoyed reading this non-law source because at the very least it was interesting to look at the fence from a sociological perspective.



Emil B. McCain, Evidence of Resident Jaguars (Pantha Onca) in the Southwestern United States and the Implications for Conservation, 89(1):1-10 Journal of Mammalogy, American Society of Mammalogists. (2008).   Total Pages Read: 2

An article taken from the Journal of Mammalogy stresses the fragmentation consequences of the United States jaguar population due to the proposed Mexican-American border fence.   Although jaguars are typically found in the rainforests of Central and South America, the species have been historically known to roam into the arid southwestern United States.

The breeding ground for the northernmost population of Jaguars is concentrated at the seam of the Aros, Bavispe, and Yaqui Rivers, 200 kilometers south of the Mexican-American border. In the past 20 years, a growing number of jaguars have been spotted in Arizona and New Mexico, and now are part of a healthy eco-environment. Constructing a fence that separates these two regions would ensure the fragmentation of the now native jaguar population, and ultimately lead to an overall decline in the Jaguar population. The local conservation of an overall declining jaguar population (world-wide) is extremely important to prevent species extinction.

[1] 8 U.S.C.A § 1103

[2] Perez Jr at 49